The number of Chinese students studying in the US colleges anduniversities has increased 3.7 times in the past ten years, from 98,235 in theschool year of 2008-2009 to 369,548 in the school year of 2018-2019, accordingto Why have so manyChinese students chosen US for their higher education? And what kind of opportunities have been generatedby this trend? In this episode,Professor Yan Zeng, CEO & President of U.S. Asia Education, and Presidentof Davis Institute of Education Information, shares with us her observations ofthe inflow of Chinese students to the US in the past ten years, the challengesthese students are facing when they are studying in the US, and how American universities can help these Chinese international studentssucceed in college.Guest Introduction:Grewup in Beijing, China, Professor Yan Zeng is dedicating her career in education,focusing on helping international students succeed in the US highereducation. As an international studentin the early 90s, she graduated fromMinnesota State University Moorhead with a MS in Education, then worked in thesame university teaching college success courses and managing internationalstudent programs. In 2009 she foundedU.S. Asia Education to provide international student consulting and recruitingservices. Most recently, she co-foundedDavis Institute of Education Information to provide education-relatedinformation, courses, training, and service. She is also Executive Chairman of Windsor Education City, Canada, andauthor of book 30 Problems Faced by International Students (Chinese Edition). For more information, please go to