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Blade is a novel written by British writer William Somerset Maugham, first published in 1944.The novel is about Larry Darrell, a young American pilot who participated in World War I. In the army, Larry met an Irish good friend: this man was usually like a lively pilot who died outside his degree, but in an encounter, he was shot and killed to save Larry. As a result, Larry was confused about life and couldn't understand why there was evil and misfortune in the world. Larry began his incredible transformation.The artistic charm of Blade lies not only in its literary value, but also in its novel with strong philosophical implications and a book about ultimate value. Maugham condenses his thoughts on the world and life in this work, which has the shadow of his own mental journey. The theme expressed in the novel is the pursuit of the meaning of life and self-existence.《刀锋》是英国作家威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆创作的长篇小说,首次出版于1944年。小说写一个参加第一次世界大战的美国青年飞行员拉里·达雷尔。在军队中,拉里结识了一个爱尔兰好友:这人平时是那样一个生龙活虎般的置生死于度外的飞行员,但在一次遭遇战中,因为救拉里而中弹牺牲。拉里因此对人生感到迷惘,弄不懂世界上为什么有恶和不幸,拉里开始了他令人匪夷所思的转变。《刀锋》的艺术魅力不仅在于其文学价值,还在于它是一部具有浓厚哲学意蕴的小说,一部关于终极价值的书。毛姆将自己对世界和人生的思索凝聚于这部作品中,书中有他自己的心路历程的影子。小说表达的主题是对人生意义和自我存在意义的追寻。作品名称刀锋外文名The Razor's Edge作者【英】威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆播讲:猫一样的沈飞文学体裁长篇小说首版时间1944年
