芥菜種 Mustard Seeds
芥菜種 Mustard Seeds
Sunny Liao

Religion & Spirituality Christianity


荒漠甘泉,每日天糧,願主的話語如芥菜種一樣,在你我生命中成長。I read “Streams in the Desert” and “Daily Bread,” and may the Lord’s words grow in us like the mustard seeds. 讀聖經的詩篇,箴言,傳道書,新約書 願主的話語祝福每一位。I read Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,New Testament books from the Bible, and may Lord’s words bless everyone. In Christ’s Name, Amen. 最新且完整的更新可至節目網站:芥菜種 Mustard Seeds(For the latest or missing episodes): https://anchor.fm/sunny-liao1
